6) Detailed Documentation IMPORTANT: To see this screen shot at full size, you must expand the size of this window by dragging the zoombox in the lower right corner of the screen further down and to the right.   Upload Window Diagram Detailed Uploading Documentation A) Working with the Upload Queue - This is the first step in creating a list of files to upload. To add a file to the upload queue, type the file's destination directory in the URL: field (#3 in diagram), and if necessary, enter a User ID and Password in the User ID: (#4 in diagram) and Password: (#5 in diagram) fields. Now, click on the Local File field, and select the file on your disk that you want to upload. To add the file entry to the upload queue, click the Add File button (#7 in diagram). If you will be uploading similar files or files from the same directory, you can select Duplicate Previous from the Edit menu (alternatively, press command-d), to reenter the information from the previous file into the URL:, User ID:, and Password: fields. After you have edited the information, click the Add File (#7 in diagram) button to add the file to the queue. If you realize you have accidentally incorrectly entered the information for a file already in the queue, double-click the file in the queue. In the File Information window that appears, you can edit the file's information. See below for more information on the File Information window. If you decide you no longer want to upload one of the files in the queue, select that file by clicking on it once, and then click on the Delete Item button (alternatively, press command-, or select Delete Item from the Deputy menu). To clear the entire queue, click once on the Clear Queue button (alternatively, press command-', or select Clear Queue from the Deputy menu). B.) Other Important Features in the Upload Window - If you have multiple files in a list, and you don't want to upload all of them, you can deselect certain files by clicking on their checkbox (#13 in diagram). Now, only files with selected checkboxes will be uploaded. By default, files have their checkboxes selected. - The Status indicator (#15 in diagram) tells you the status of each file. When a file hasn't been uploaded, it has the normal 'partial file' icon. If an error occurs while attempting to upload the file, it has a yellow alert icon. - The arrow-button (Not present when screen shot was taken) that is next to the URL field is the upload bookmark button. To create another bookmark, click and hold the bookmark button, and select "Add this URL" from the popup menu. The password and id will be saved with the URL. When you want to use a bookmark, click and hold the bookmark button, and select a bookmark name from the menu. The Upload Options Window   C) Setting Upload Locations - To set the default uploads folder, select Upload Options from the Deputy menu to bring up the Options window. Here you can set the default uploads directory by entering its URL in the white field labelled Default FTP Directory. Every time the URL (#3 in diagram) field of the Upload Window is reset (After entering a file to the queue), the default FTP directory is automatically placed into the URL field of the Upload Window. D) Specifying Upload Times - Normally, you start an upload session by clicking on the "Go!" button (#12 in diagram) in the lower-right corner of the Uploads tab. Should you want Download Deputy Deluxe to upload your files at a specific time without user intervention, in the middle of the night, for example, you can do this by selecting Upload Options from the Deputy menu. In the Upload Options window, you can set a specific date and time for a upload session. You must first check the Specify upload time check box. Now, in the Date: field, enter a date (MM/DD/YY), and in the Time: field, enter a time (HH/MM in 12 hour format) and use the pop-up menu to select AM or PM. If you know you want to upload the list of files today, click the Today checkbox. E) Post-uploading Options You can set Download Deputy Deluxe to automatically disconnect your PPP connection (if applicable), Auto-Expand files with Stuffit Expander, quit itself, launch another application, and/or shut down your Mac. To set these options, select Upload Options from the Deputy menu. In the Upload Options section that appears, check or uncheck the post-upload items. To set Download Deputy Deluxe to launch an application when uploads are complete, click the Launch Application checkbox. The Select... button will now be enabled. Click the Select... button, and select an application to launch. The application launching feature is especially useful for running AppleScript applications. Please note: disconnecting PPP does not quit Download Deputy Deluxe; and quitting Download Deputy Deluxe does not disconnect PPP. However, shutting down the computer DOES both quit Download Deputy Deluxe and disconnect PPP. F) The Watched Folder features New to Download Deputy Deluxe are the Watched Folder features. These enable you to watch a folder, so only new or modified files get added to the queue. If you manage a web or FTP site, or anything along these lines, you probably update your files often. Instead of uploading your entire site, Download Deputy Deluxe enables you to only upload new or modifies files. To access the Watched Folder features, you must first open the Upload Options window by selecting Upload Options from the Deputy menu. In the Watched Folder FTP Directory field, enter the absolute path to the directory on your server where your files will be stored. If you want Download Deputy Deluxe to automatically scan your watched folder every few seconds, select the Auto-Watch checkbox, and enter the number of seconds in between each scan in the text field next to the checkbox. If you want Download Deputy Deluxe to automatically run the Upload queue when the queue reaches a certain number of files, you can select the Auto-Upload checkbox. Notes: - Watching a folder for the first time takes considerably longer than a regular scan. The scan time will decrease after the first time. - The Default Login and Password fields are used atomatically as your login for watched folder file entries. - When watching a folder, the scan runs through all nested folders. If you have files that are located within folders that are in the watched folder, these will be added too. - Full paths are reconstructed. Here's what we mean: Watched Folder FTP Directory: ftp://ftp.mysite.com/ Watched Folder: Macintosh HD:My Web Site: One of the files in the Watched Folder structure: Macintosh HD:My Web Site:newedition:test.htm Because this file is located within another folder in the Watched Folder, its URL is automatically constructed. Here's the URL this file gets: ftp://ftp.mysite.com/newedition/test.html G) Other Important Features in the Upload Options Window -The white field titled Default FTP Site Retries is especially useful for 'busting' into busy FTP sites, or ones with a limited number of users. - The Default Login and Password fields are used automatically as your login when you don't specify them in a file entry. G) The File Information Window   To bring up the File Information window, double-click a file entry in the upload queue. From here, yu can edit all of the file entry's information. In addition, you can click the UnLock in the lower-left corner to password protect the file entry. The UnLock icon now becomes a Lock icon. Protected file entries can not be deleted or edited without first entering the correct password. To remove a password from a protected file, open its File Information window, and click the Lock. The Lock will now change into an UnLock, and your file will no longer be protected. This protection feature is especially useful for people working in groups, where it is absolutely necessary for one's files to be transferred. G) Working with Multiple File Lists       Until you register Download Deputy Deluxe Deluxe, you cannot work with more than one list of files. However, in the registered version, you can create multiple lists of files to be uploaded. For example, if you specify a date and time far into the future for files in one list to be uploaded, you can save that list and work with another one in the meantime. To save a file list, select Save List... from the File menu. To open a previously saved list, select Open List... from the File menu. If you select Open List... before you have saved the list you are currently working with, you will be notified by dialogue box that asks you if you want to Discard the current list, Save the current list, or Cancel the operation of opening a different list.